From This Art Geek (T.A.G.)
Hi, guys
I'm currently at work and (should have done my research long
ago) don't have time to find out if the Endeavour "Parade" is live
streaming online anywhere. I thought of you guys because you're the only
ones who came to mind as possibly being as space nerdy as me. A thousand
pardons if I've offended or misjudged your level of interest, though. =)
Anybody got any good sites I can try?! I can hide my
phone under my monitor and sneak a peek once in a while, so I'd appreciate any
tips. I'll keep trying some research of my own, but can only do quick
searches at a time.
Hugs and kisses to all!
From Cousin 1:
Hi T.A.G.,
I looked around and didn't find anything, just news coverage. Sorry... I wanted to see some live footage myself. I'm planning on going very early tomorrow (3am) and hope to see it. Sorry, but it was great to hear from you.
I looked around and didn't find anything, just news coverage. Sorry... I wanted to see some live footage myself. I'm planning on going very early tomorrow (3am) and hope to see it. Sorry, but it was great to hear from you.
From Cousin 2
I can’t find anything either
From T.A.G.
I'm pretty sure I'll be attempting LA tomorrow morning as
well. My dad and I want to go see it but I'm not sure how decided he is
and if he's willing to do the wing-and-a-prayer approach with me. Both he
and my mom called me at work on the day of the fly-over, squealing with delight
that they had seen it. We're all pretty nerdy that way.
I keep hearing that they are discouraging people from
assembling at the route, but I can't imagine that being too successful.
Thanks for looking, guys. I do appreciate it.
Plus, it's always heart-warming to hear from you all.

From Cousin 2:
Hi T.A.G.,
I don’t think Cousin 3 is working today, (it is her
So she might be at home trying to track the
Cousin 2
From T.A.G.:
Thanks, Cousin 2!
And now I feel bad that i'm getting in touch to ask for
something instead of to say happy birthday, as any good
cousin/niece/goddaughter should do.
Cousin 3, will you forgive me my blatant selfishness?!
I'm not completely out of the loop, by the way, I'm the one who pointed out to
my parents that our prior engagement might conflict with your dinner, but since
I thought it would be an evening get-together, I figured we could still make
If that's not the case, we can always re-schedule. We
don't see you guys enough. That's just wrong.
Anyhow, I hope you're having a lovely day. Happy Birthday,
dear heart, and give R a hug for me,
From T.A.G.:
Cousin 2, the email bounced back to me. I'll try
the one I have in my address book.

From Cousin 2:
Yeah, try her other
From Cousin 2:
You know, T.A.G., I don’t know what is going on with Cousin
3’s email.
Both of her addresses bounced back my email.
I’ll try to find out what’s going on.
From Cousin 1:
Channel 11 has a live feed.

From T.A.G.:
Cousin 2, her 1977 (att domain) address didn't bounce
back to me, so I'm assuming it went.
Cousin 1, I'll try the Ch 11 website! Thanks!

From Cousin 1:
Yea, I'm watching it now.

From Cousin 3:
T.A.G., I did receive your message.
I don't see anything on channel 11 but channel 9 has
live coverage.
Cousin 3
From T.A.G.:
Got it!!!! Thank you thank you!

From Cousin 3:
Sorry, I'm talking about channel 9 TV news and you are
talking about Chanel 11 website. Well, as long as we can all see it. We are all
nerdy about the shuttle!!
From Cousin 2:
I’m watching it on the channel 11 website.
Some lady is sitting on the roof with a baby on her lap!
From T.A.G.:
Crud. My phone won't play the feed. I'm having
to add the network app to view video. Sitting here downloading on my
phone. I'm gonna get fired.
Meanwhile I see on my work computer. Hope no one comes
in to the office. =)

From Cousin 3:
PS: T.A.G. I have added Cousin 4's e-mail for you. He's Also
a nerd!
From T.A.G.:
From T.A.G.:
Excellent! Now I have you all .... bwahh ha ha.
Hello, Cousin 4!!!
Meanwhile, dang phone downloaded the Ch 11 app and it still
won't show me the live feed. I've downloaded an app for nothing.
Just what I wanted.
I've given up all pretense and am keeping the website up on
my work computer. If I get fired, it'll be a mixed blessing.

From T.A.G.:
Well, kids, this was fun!
I'm off in 10 minutes and heading straight home to park
myself in front of the TV and my computer and drool with a bucket of
popcorn. If anyone'll be online for a running commentary, look me up!
Kisses galore,

From Cousin 2:
I’ll look you up when I get home in about an hour and a
Say hi to your mom and dad and O and his wife.
Cousin 2
From Cousin 1:
I still waiting to see it go by Randys Donuts.

From T.A.G.:
That's right! Wait, I'd heard that Randy's was going
to fashion a mini-shuttle to look like it was flying through the donut hole.
But then I also recall something about them not being on the
route anymore... or something. I dunno. My gossip's on the fuzzy

From T.A.G. (5 pm):
Wait! Isn't that the donut at the bottom of the

From T.A.G.
In case you were watching the Fox feed that went down,
here's the CBS feed:

From Cousin 1
I'm on the corner of Manchester and Inglewood ave. I
can see it coming up. It still about 30 mins away.

From Cousin 1 (2:40 am)
We got a little closer to it, but its still not moving. I
doubts its going to make it to the forum by 8 am. It still near the 405

From Cousin 1 (4
From T.A.G. (4:30

From T.A.G. (5:25)
I've parked at the forum!
From T.A.G. (5:45
Ok, I'm smack dab in the middle of a big, empty space where
there will eventually be a space shuttle.
Shoulda brought a chair.
From Cousin 3:
Cousin 1, are you still with the shuttle. Have you seen T.A.G.
Send more pictures!
From T.A.G. (7am):
Did anyone get my email earlier? Just want to be sure the
dang phone isn't sputtering out on me.
Just heard from my adopted family (people I've befriended
here in the crowd) that the shuttle is at La Brea and should be at the forum 45
minutes ahead of schedule.
Cousin 1, if you need me, text. Regardless, I'm checking my
emails periodically.
From T.A.G. (7:25):
I SEE IT!!!!!!!!!
I think I just peed a little.
From Cousin 3:
Send pictures!!
From T.A.G.:
From T.A.G. (8:30 am):
Well, kids, I'm emotionally drained. I'm about as close as
I'm going to get to this thing and it's going to park here now for another
Meanwhile, I'm hungry. Someone said something about an
ihop nearby. Gonna look it up and plan accordingly.
From Cousin 3:
T.A.G., you are the ultimate nerd! Good for you for your
Get a good rest when this is all done today. We'll see you
Cousin 3
From T.A.G.:
Bonus of the day: breakfast with Cousin 1! Yay! Gonna meet
him in a couple of minutes.
Must visit the loo before I start doing the rain dance.
See you tomorrow!
From Cousin 2 (2:10 pm)
Wow, I didn’t know you guys were going to look at it in
It took forever for me get home yesterday going south on the
I drove right by Randy’s Donuts but I had no idea the
shuttle was there.
From T.A.G.
Shhh... I'm sleeping.
Cousin 2, My parents have left to drive up there and maybe
see it at the destination. I can play control tower if you want to try
to meet them. They have my mom's cell phone with them, but she has this
fantastic habit of either having it off or not being able to hear it.
If you want to try them: (phone number)