Before I change this week's image, quote and conundrum, I'll go ahead and address the two that I've not written about.
The conundrum is easy.
Would you be willing to become extremely ugly, physically, if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any physical age you chose?
I've never understood the interest in immortality. It's not for me. I don't want to live for 1,000 years. The few I've struggled through are a burden as it is. I trust that my time will come when it needs to and whatever was left to do will just have to keep.
As for the quote.
"If you're looking for sympathy you'll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary."-- David Sedaris
I love Sedaris. I've only recently been introduced to his work by a friend of mine. And so far, I've found a familiar voice in him and some similar thoughts and attitudes. This quote struck me as perfect this particular last week because I'm trying to make sure that my life takes on a more positive spin. I want to empower myself and see opportunity instead of obstacles. I want to shed any semblance of whining and assumptions of entitlement and know that my troubles are my own, for me to solve and me to celebrate. No one is more invested in me than me. So I'll not have the silly self-pity. I'm on my own. Suck it up and get out there.
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