Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Once in a while, life catches up with me. I have no other way to explain it except that. I start to slow down. Sometimes it's a simple iron adjustment, as I remember to add liver to my diet and make a point to review whether I've had red meat lately. Sometimes it's not quite the simple fix and it requires a check up with doc and a med adjustment.

I'm not sure which one this is. I hope it's just the need for more iron. Tomorrow I'll stop at the grocery store for some liver and broccoli. Hopefully, that should do the trick as I get back into the swing of things.

I just spent the day completely exhausted, achy, and lethargic. I'm nowhere near ready to go back to work tomorrow. I could really use a week off, yet, the way I feel I suspect I'd need another after that. This is how I know something's off and it's time to shift the usual mode of operation.

The saving grace is that I did get some chores done today. Otherwise I'd really feel bad. I don't like me like this.

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