Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Swing of the Pendulum

For a change, the opposite problem is true: I have too much in my head and don't know what to write about, causing a sort of bottleneck situation so that everything is all jumbled up and incomplete. Dammit. Thoughts on:

- Lou Dobbs's interview on Telemundo
- The White House party crashers
- Narcissism ... (see WH party crashers)
- personal responsibility
- the education system

... and lots of other completely banal oddities that will in no way have any effect on the world. Still, I'm here to rant.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot "see WH party crashers" under personal responsibility. Just pick a topic and hot pen it, write what comes outand don't edit it. I find that to be a good way to unjumble my head.
