Wednesday, June 23
Coco's in the hospital, staying overnight. We're hoping the rib bones pass with no further damage, but there is a small possibility of pancreatic issues, otherwise. Poor, sweet, little guy... he just looks miserable.
Thursday, June 24
Surgery either tonight or tomorrow morning. Seems the little trouble maker may have ingested a foreign object, like a cloth of some kind. He's not eating and what little he's been force fed has been upchucked with no bowel movement to speak of. Something's blocking the whole system.
I'm worried. Not so much about the surgery. I have this feeling that they'll get whatever it is out and he should be fine. But we've talked as a family and if there are any further complications, we are pretty much opting for euthanasia. The fact is he's an old little guy and at this point, with chronic arthritis, seizures, and thyroid issues, prolonging his life doesn't mean it would be of acceptable quality.
What worries me isn't the choice itself. I've been mentally preparing for this for some time. What worries me is that I know this is going to be left for me to do. This is how we function. I'm the zoo warden around here. My parents leave these things to me. I'm the one that's made hospital visits to him in the time he's been interned and I'm the one doing all the consulting and such. In the end, I know that I'm the one that will be with him, whatever the road brings. It's not the first time, as you can imagine. With a constant zoo, pet loss comes with the territory. But except for one occasion, all pet deaths have been natural. Only one cat was put to sleep due to leukemia.
To say I'm not looking forward is, of course, an understatement. But a thousand times over, I'd rather be with him than not have that opportunity and forewarning.
It's seems impossible that 2010 could be worse than 2009, but it's really panning out that way.
7:30 PM
Just now got off the phone with the surgeon and the surgery went well. Corn cob. Yep. The bugger swallowed a corn cob whole and the thing was pretty much serving as a plug. It's out now, Coco's sewn back up and will be fed sometime tomorrow evening. Likely to be back home on Saturday, God willing.

Big sigh of relief around here. =)
Friday, June 25
I just finished visiting with Coco who is doing splendidly. His recovery is going well and the Doctor asked me to take him out for a walk to the grass area so that they could get him up and moving again due to his age and arthritis. The last thing we need is for him to get stiff and rickety from all the laying around.
We've been told he'll likely come home tomorrow and I'm really glad to hear it. I can't wait to have him back in the yard, sleeping in his bed and surrounded by his family. Meanwhile, I'd love to get him this shirt.
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