You already know this. You know this about me. I've made no effort to, in any way, negate my elitist ways. I am a snob. That I'm able to get along with a wide variety of people who don't always fall into my excruciatingly narrow window of judgment, is just evidence that my heart is in a good place and I understand that my demands are largely unrealistic.
But sooner or later a girl just wants intelligent conversation, no? Some simple wit and eloquence would be much welcomed.
Where do grown ups go to make new friends? The idea of on-line anything makes me want to barf and roll my eyes. I believe in the traditional form of friend-making. Face to face conversations and sharing of time and space which develops over time into disclosures of similarities and shared interests. The kind of time investment needed to allow this natural process to happen was a given in the first half of the life experience. Classrooms are breeding grounds for friendships. And each semester opened up a whole new pool of options to delve into.
Now, in adult-land, the workplace is the only place where we spend large amounts of time. And, having taken inventory of our limited cast of characters, I have depleted all options and placed everyone on "just co-workers whom I can get along with" shelves.
The situation is dire, indeed.
What would I do if I knew I could not fail.
ReplyDeleteHa! There's a catch. It does not mention unscathed. So I could say, oh, climb a mountain, but there is no guarantee that I'd come down without having my feet amputated due to frostbite.
Part of the fun of trying something new is the possibility of failure. I've done white-water rafting, which has the inherent risk of falling out of the two-man kayak (which happened) and getting dashed upon a rock or drowning (which did not, though I bumped a rock or two during my sojourn on my back in a life vest through a category four rapid but not seriously enough to get hurt.
If I could guarantee unscathed, I would say a reef dive.