Sunday, August 16, 2009

The King is Right

"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that." --- Stephen King

Hence the addition of Books I've read so far in 2009 to my margin. I've done better about reading this year and last year. Before that, I was made to believe that such leisurely activities were marks of laziness and that time could better be employed for something constructive.

I say, "Define 'constructive'."

I've re-invited the vice of reading back into my life as of late, and have made it a habit, once again, to carry a book in my purse at all times. I used to get around to a couple of books during vacation time and the holidays, but now I'm averaging one every couple of weeks. Mostly my reading happens on breaks at work, in waiting rooms for doctors and such, and before bed.

The list of books awaiting their bond with me is staggering. I've only managed to document a fraction of them on mostly because I'm too lazy to rumage through my shelves and decipher which ones I've already input and which still need to be listed. But one day I shall sit patiently and update my list so it reflects the actual project that I have before me.

And I shall likely panic.

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