Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mr. Sandman

I dunno what's up with me lately. I can't seem to shake off this sleepiness. Just finding it hard to clear out the sand in my eyes every morning.

Then, yesterday, I had a plate of pasta with broccoli and I was out like a light. I mean out. I felt like I had been drugged. This is the second time I feel this way after eating pasta. I think that I so rarely include it in my diet that when I do happen to ingest the stuff, it just works like a drug and the carb crash is overpowering. I slept most of the day. I'm not talking about a brief nap.

Today, the effects are mostly gone, though I still feel sort of groggy. I'll be making a dinner of salmon and broccoli salad, so as to keep all food light and fresh.


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